- A bright light beside or over the front door attracts chi to the house
A basket or potted plant at the
foot of the stairs will help catch chi before it flows out the door, or you can hang a
- faceted crystal ball between the foot of the stairs and the door.
Use a rattle, bells, wind chime, or
- bang on a metal pot lid to shake things up.
open all your windows and doors for at least 15 minutes.11pm to 1 am.
The sharp corner of a table, the edges of a shelf, even
points or angles on a lighting fixture or piece of statuary can all cause a disruption
- in the smooth flow of chi
Cure fighting doors with red string or tassels. If you choose tassels, hang one
from each doorknob.
Indicators of abundance chi: metallic colors, coins, jewelry, luxury items of all
- kinds, luxurious fabrics, fruits, anything full or overflowing.
- Keep the containers in your house full, group things together in bowls or baskets,
- and have at least one pretty or luxurious-looking item on display in each
- room, and you fill your home a vibration of plenty.