
Understand Vasanas To Understand Yourself


Vasanas are the strong ,well bonded , feelings in individuals. They can be changed only by self effort. External objects(Vishya), Individual’s body(Shareera) and scriptures(Shastra), are the three categories on vasanas clinging to individuals.

Vishaya Vasanas

Vishya vasanas pertain to

Food– Because we need good quality food once in 4 hrs every day, and there is an uncertainty of having next meal, hoarding storage, wastage, pilferage and consequent pain is the result.
Shelter– It is essentiaal for protection against sun, wind , rain. However, more that one shelter, leads to absenteee landlordism and pain. Comforts are like shelter. Finance is essential as without that living is impossible. However, greed leads to additional strain on the body and mind and ultimately to high blood pressure etc.
Environment – when we need more,
Water, we dig more borewells and use the sub-soil reserve.
Food, we add chemicals which lead to new diseases,
After realization greed gives place to contentment and peace.

Deha vasanas
It refers to the feeling that I am superior to others in knowledge competence physical and mentalstrengthswealth etc.
This leads to treating others as inferiors, exploitation, hatred, enemity , quarrel , waste of valuable human power.
Realisation that all are equall will result inappreciating the good work done by others and in establishing peace and harmony.

Shastra vasanas 
It refers to the feeling that My scriptures are better that others scriptutres . Generally when a person meets with success in every project , he becomes arrogant and starts ignoring the proven , age old axioms. Sankata bandaga venkataramana. When failures comes he will think of god is very apt.

theere is wisdom in accepting the presence of super powerand in respecting that power which is keeping him, others and nature alive.

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satta king